Dolley Freedom Foundation

To help preserve personal freedom and fight censorship.

DFF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; EIN 88-3426649.



Our organization is committed to upholding and defending human rights, with a focus on preserving personal freedom and fighting censorship. We achieve this through dedicated efforts to foster and support decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), decentralized storage systems, and the innovative use of blockchain technologies. Our aim is to pave the way towards a society less dependent on centralized institutions such as governments, banks, and large corporations, all of which have demonstrated in recent years a desire to infringe on personal freedoms and promote censorship.

Our Vision

We envision a future where the notion of censorship by large, unaccountable technology corporations is a concept confined to history books. Today, decentralized technologies exist that have the potential to eradicate this challenge permanently. However, their current usage is not widespread enough to effect meaningful change. So, we settle for technologies controlled predominantly by a handful of tech giants, and are at their mercy when they decide to silence any voice they disagree with. Our vision is to relegate such practices to the past, creating a world where future generations will look back in astonishment at the legality and acceptability of such censorship.

Our Approach

Our approach in fulfilling our mission and realizing our vision is rooted in the strategic use of specific technologies and methodologies, including the following:

  • IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

    An innovative and open protocol to manage data without relying on centralized servers, ensuring that data is open, verifiable, and resilient, and thereby aligning with our commitment to decentralization and transparency. We actively host IPFS nodes and replication clusters.

  • Cryptocurrency Blockchains

    Our work incorporates leading blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon. These blockchains play a crucial role in our strategy, offering secure, transparent, and decentralized solutions for various applications, primary of those being payment systems. Governments wield strong control over society because of our reliance on their currencies for trade. However, cryptocurrencies are quickly becoming the saw that is cutting through this ball and chain, as we are seeing greater adoption year after year.

  • Validator Nodes on Blockchain Networks

    We are looking for funding to create, operate, and maintain validator nodes on blockchain networks, particularly on Solana and Polygon. This involvement not only supports the infrastructure of these networks but also reinforces our commitment to a decentralized and equitable digital ecosystem.

Through these approaches, we aim to pioneer change and set new standards in technology use for social good.


We are funded by individual donations and are actively seeking public grants. If our mission, vision and values align with your own, please consider making a donation. We appreciate your support!